El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize Mission Spanish Speaking July 2015 - July 2017

Monday, April 18, 2016

God protected me...

I'm getting bored of these emails haha I really don't know much to say that is different. I hope everything is going well with you guys!! ummmm...this week was good I guess haha. Everybody had interviews with the president and it sounds like I will stay in my area one more change and then head off to Belize! It is crazy how fast time flies!!!

I kind of half way got bit by a dog but God protected me haha and there are no marks or anything but wow that was scary because it was a huge dog and I knocked the door and it ran around back and attacked me haha. but everything is good :)

Ummm... I am starting to wrestle with my companion when I am stressed and he is the cause of it and it is fun because I feel so much better haha but it isn't figthing so I don't think it's breaking the rules :) haha but he is an amazing comp and I just love wrestling with him because he is small and it makes me feel good and he always starts it so I'm not picking on him hahaha! No he is a great guy and I love him!

But this week really nothing happened that much, we have so many people so close to baptism but I don't know, haha we need more time here it feels like. also I got on in the bus where I went to this area where apparently no Gringos go and I got in the bus and all the kids and old people were just staring at me the whole time....like they didn't blink or look in front of them or anything...haha that was kind of weird. Also there isn't a word for awkward in Spanish I don't think so it is hard to explain that feeling to my comp haha. But that was cool haha.

I went to the gym to build up muscle instead of fat, and now my arms are killing me. Rigby is so strong and expects everybody to be that strong hahaha :P ALSO IT RAINED FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE LIKE OCTOBER!!!! I haven't seen rain since yesterday!!! Woohoo!!! hahaha it is such an amazing feeling and it really does clean the earth like in one of my favorite baptism songs.

I also blessed the sacrament for the first time in Spanish and that was cool. :) andddd wellllll..... I am doing good haha. President said he loved me and I was a good missionary :) Annnnndddd...my mom still loves me :) So everything is going perfect haha!

*I told Brandon that was a nice wedding ring and this was his response...
hahahah I got a cool one from El Salvador for 3 dollars...
hahaha it's so I can tell other girls no mom :P

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